The agenda for the board meeting is the basis for a productive and successful board meeting. It lists each item the board will be discussing, along with how long it will take to speak about the items.

Ideally, the agenda should start with issues that require a vote. This prevents the board from running out of time, and allows them to get through the most important issues before the meeting is over. With concrete information and actions items in the early stages of the agenda also prevents boards from becoming bogged down in the minutiaes of issues that aren’t critical to the business.

Once the board has concluded old business, they can explore new ideas for the organization. It could be anything from new projects that help with fundraising or outreach to new ways of engaging donors and members. It’s important to allow space for discussion and even debate, so make sure there is plenty of time allocated for this part of the agenda.

This is a chance for the board to offer special announcements, shout-outs, thanks, and other things that don’t fit in other sections of the agenda. It’s also a great time to suggest ideas for the next agenda. After the meeting has completed, the chair of the board will thank everyone who attended and let them know what time the next meeting is. The meeting secretary will then take note of the official conclusion of the meeting in the minutes.

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