Versus Arthritis

The word ‘arthritis’ is used to describe pain, swelling and stiffness in a joint or joint. Arthritis isn’t a single condition and there are several different types. To read more click here.

How do your donations help?

  • £10 – Could pay for printing of 40 booklets giving people information about their condition, treatment options and self-help tips.
  • £25 – Covers the cost of a hydrotherapy pool for a local support group to help people with arthritis to access professionally guided exercise in a safe and beneficial way.
  • £200 – Could cover the costs of a GP to receive online and face-to-face training to improve their skills in delivering great musculoskeletal care.
  • £500 – Could pay for up to 12 young people to attend a workshop to empower them about their condition and meet other young people with arthritis, often for the first time.
  • £1,000 – Could help 4 monthly support groups offer peer support to people with arthritis for a whole year.
  • £5,000 – Could fund a clinical research fellowship for a month, helping to push forward research into new, life-changing treatments.
  • I am pledging to raise £1,000 for doing a Skydive at 10,000 feet. You can see from the information above what each value can do to help individuals with Arthritis.