Many nonprofit boards are facing performance problems. Some boards are under strict legal scrutiny and must make improvements. Others are looking to increase their value to donors or the community. And still others need to address specific governance issues. However, regardless of the pressure or the circumstances, it is recommended for every board to conduct any form of evaluation for its board. However, a performance appraisal can be a daunting task especially if the procedure is not something that the board has experienced before. Fortunately, the appropriate guidance and tools will assist any board to overcome its challenges and achieve success.
First, you need to comprehend the issue. The most frequent issues are that the board serves too much as a “rubber stamp” for decisions taken by management or gets involved in operational matters that should be left to the CEO and management team. The board may also be unclear about its legal obligations and how to protect itself from them.
In these instances the board must define its role and define it. It should also communicate clearly between the management team and the board. The board must also have structures in place that will allow it to perform its tasks. This may include committees or officer positions, whose responsibilities are to gather and analyze information about board performance. It is also crucial that any decisions agreed upon from a review of the board are acted upon and regularly monitored. Otherwise, the momentum created by the process of evaluation can fade away.